
Arbeiderpartiet (The Labour Party)  logo Ap rose

Presentation of the party

Mayoral candidate Silje Rygland

We want to spend money on the important things. That is why we want to prioritize education, healthcare, and elders, ahead of lessening the tax burden on those who have the most.

Everyone should have access to green areas and nature. We put the needs of citizens ahead of developers. Ullensaker should be a local society full of life, with varied culture services, and inclusive gathering places.

Safe and proper jobs is decisive in people’s ability to plan their lives.

Increasing prices makes it hard for those who have less and hits them the hardest. For this reason, we want to prioritize the services that are available for everyone, no matter the size of your wallet.  

Ullensakervalget 2023 (

Candidates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 Silje Kristine Rygland 1982
2 Lars Fjærli Hjetland 1990
3 Unni Lisbeth Lundberg 1954
4 Asbjørn Anders Gundersen 1951
5 Jalil Vahedi 1970
6 Britt Othilie Sandøy Knutsen 1963
7 Stein Ove Gudmundsrud 1972
8 Kristine Merethe Larsen 1979
9 Muhammed Musharaf 1971
10 May Britt Christensen 1952
11 Rakesh Kumar Bhardwaj 1965
12 Eva Margrethe Gullichsen 1954
13 Eirik A. Elvevold Mostue 2000
14 Ida Huitfeldt Flem 2003
15 Anneli Lund Weng 1997
16 Ramjar Latifi 2002
17 Nask Mohammed Arif Kheder 1970
18 Carl Otto Saugen 1956
19 Mari Røsten 1985
20 Svein Tore Olsen 1952
21 Hayat Abdullahzadeh 1979
22 Martin Henriksen 1979
23 Ingrid Mundal 1960
24 Joakim Damian Gebhardt 1987
25 Anne Berit Berntsen Moen 1950
26 Nima Nemati Saeid 1984
27 Anita Kjeldsen 1963
28 Terje Langerød 1958
29 Ida Mundal Grøndahl 1989
30 Vinjar Tufte 1954
31 Ola Petter Flem 1969
32 Sonja Gangåssæter 1965
33 Egil Andre Aas 1966
34 Torill Hugn Uhlen 1945
35 Shwan Anwer Ali 1980
36 Anne-Grethe Borgen 1968

Liberalistene (The Liberalists)  logo liberalistene

Candiates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 Natalya Engelsrud Fritzen 1990
2 Henrik Engelsrud Fritzen 1987
3 Thomas Ottervig 1972
4 Ole Andreas Dramstad 1984
5 Steinar Melstein Johannessen 1996
6 Christian Westlye Larsen 1983
7 Rasmus Jerstad 1992

Prinsipprogram - Liberalistene

Konservativt (Conservative) logo partiet Konservativt

Candiates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 Vegar André Halås 1984
2 Ruth Margaret Berstad Midttun 1970
3 Ninette Monica Annie Eliassen 1973
4 Øystein Norheim 1966
5 Einar Elton 1963
6 Per Midttun 1963
7 Einar Inge Ellingsen 1961
8 Øystein Andreassen 1971

Party program Konservativt 2021 – 2025 - Konservativt

Venstre (The Liberal Party) logo partiet Venstre

Presentation of the party

Mayoral candidate Thorbjørn Merkesdal

Ullensaker Venstre is the guarantor of sustainable growth in Ullensaker.

Ullensaker is a popular municipality to live and build in, and we will continue to be so. This gives us opportunities that many other municipalities can only dream of. But it also presents us with major challenges that we have to deal with, which is why we must ensure sustainable growth in the best interests of our residents.

That's why we will, among other things:

  • do our part in the work against climate change
  • have enough good quality schools and day care centres
  • ensure good healthcare provision
  • create an innovative and varied business community
  • ensure a good living environment and natural diversity
  • strengthen the voluntary sector
  • ensure a good and secure municipal economy

Program for Ullensaker Venstre 2023-2027 - Ullensaker Venstre

Candiates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 Thorbjørn Merkesdal 1972
2 Mirnesa Balagic 1991
3 Stein Vegard Leidal 1963
4 Morten Ryum 1992
5 Kristin Engely 1977
6 Sturla Øino Hallås 1969
7 Helene Christophersen 1990
8 Barbro Gunhild Vee Holth 1968
9 Stefan Sørlie Oure 1990
10 Rebecca Shabina Arif 1983
11 Carlos A. Da Silva Sequeira 1982
12 Mariann Ekkeren Væring 1970
13 Eivind A. Høyning Jørgensen 1961
14 Hilde Nordgarden 1970
15 Tone Elisabeth Simonsen 1963
16 Karl-Oskar Smerud Nicolaisen 1983
17 Sidsel Skjelmerud 1955
18 Jack Roger Ingemar Axelsson 1956
19 Tom Håvard Blakkisrud 1952

Norgesdemokratene (The Norwegian Democrats)logo partiet Norgesdemokratene

Candiates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 André Jensen 1970
2 Hugo Christopher Munthe-Kaas 1955
3 Rune André Hanssen 1965
4 Vidar Jørgensen 1966
5 Ivar Åge Korsvold 1948
6 Thomas Bach 1962
7 May Liss Simonsen 1957

Program - Norgesdemokratene

Fremskrittspartiet (The Progress Party)logo partiet Fremmskrittspartiet

Presentation of the party

Mayoral candidate Ståle Lien Hansen

Dear Citizens and businesses,

Ullensaker Progress party has a vision to make Ullensaker the best municipality in Norway.

We want to be available and action-oriented, remove the property-tax, and secure a safe upbringing for children and young people. We want to invest in good sports and culture services and create good living environments. We want to have a «YES-attitude» in matters that affect you because you are our focus.

It is time to strengthen healthcare for elderly people, and ensure a higher capacity in nursing homes, senior housing, and a "dementia village".

We want to cooperate with both private and non-profit organizations in healthcare, education, and kindergarten. For the Progress Party, it does not matter who creates or runs these services.

We ask for your trust to make this vision a reality.

Politics – Ullensaker FrP

Candiates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 Ståle Lien Hansen 1975
2 Petter Stensby 1952
3 Jorunn Gram Vordal 1973
4 Anne Volle 1967
5 Iver Tokstad 1961
6 Alf Jaran Karlsen 1988
7 Heidi-Madelen Foss Little Zaal 2004
8 Felix Emanuel Jøndal Frantzen 2000
9 Markus Herseth Gotaas 1998
10 Ingfrid Oddveig Tveit 1948
11 Stig Remi Steiner 1973
12 Harald Jan Espelund 1948
13 Cato S. Lilleaas-Stenmark 1975
14 Marlén Michaelsen Andresen 1992
15 Lars Sverre Aasgaard 1966
16 Himanshu Gulati 1988
17 Eli-Anne Zahl 1965
18 Henriette Kjæran 2000
19 Hans Jørgen Kristiansen 1970
20 Unni Lund Finkenhavn 1963
21 Jan Petter Løberg 1948
22 Tone Ellen Wigand Jøndal 1964
23 Dag Erlend Bakke 1971
24 Roger Zahl 1964
25 Knut Erling Skreden 1945
26 Malvin Kåre Hatlestad 1952
27 Perlita Golin Gotaas 1980
28 Ole Morten Søberg 1962
29 Theressa Høiberg Hansen 1976
30 Tore Reidar Wensberg 1956
31 Jan Tore Isingrud 1973
32 Tone Jeanette Hassel 1975
33 Gunnar Henry Thorstensen 1957
34 Siri Hansen 1981
35 Jøran Andre Slayer Vordal 1973
36 Ivar Gotaas 1951
37 Odd Magne Holter 1959
38 Kjell Tommy Johansen 1972
39 Asbjørn Olav Bugge Rakvåg 1959
40 Camilla Svensson 1978
41 Even Finstad Evensen 1972
42 Tom Staahle 1972

Rødt (The Red Party) logo partiet Rødt

Presentation of the party


Mayoral candidate Kathirne Asbjørnsen

For Rødt, the fight against differences in Norway is the most important.

Rødt Ullensaker will therefore prioritise:

  • Increasing social assistance rates
  • Non-profit welfare in kindergarten, school and health - because your tax money should be used for services for you and your family, and not in the pockets of commercial owners.
  • No to common rent!
  • Teeth are part of the body and Rødt therefore works for free dental health for everyone.
  • Increase the number of days and hours the NAV office is open.
  • Gradually introduce free SFO and kindergarten!
  • Ensure increased basic staffing with more full-time and permanent positions in the health sector and more teachers and specialised educators in schools and kindergartens in the municipality.
  • Expand low-threshold programmes for acute mental health care
  • More nursing home places
  • Protect arable land, forests, marshes, hiking areas and other outdoor areas.

Our politics – Rødt Ullensaker (

Candiates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 Kathrine Asbjørnsen 1986
2 Frøydis Myrhaug Danielsen 1988
3 Anette Cecilie Laregg 1980
4 Negar Enayati 1987
5 Kim Korshavn Kjeldsen 1992
6 Jone Arnfinnsson Randa 1993
7 Randi Elin Tevik 1954
8 Jan Chamran 1974
9 Arnfinn Ski 1954
10 Jessie Valeria Blomli 1997
11 Estrella Mia Skattebo Melgar 2003
12 Joakim Martinsen Nannestad 1990
13 Lill Svanhild Kvaksrud 1961
14 Katrin Abrahamian 1963
15 Arnljot Ask 1942
16 Elin Fossen 1961
17 Gunn Frisholm 1955
18 Øivind Mangerud 1948
19 Berit Elisabeth Høiby Tevik 1986
20 Vegar Richter Storsve 1955

Miljøpartiet De Grønne (The Green Party) logo partiet Mdg

Presentation of the party

Mayoral candidate Eirik Ballestad

MDG has three fundamental principles of solidarity for all our policies: solidarity with other people, future generations, and animals and nature.

We will:

  • Continue to focus on circular economy principles and promote energy-smart solutions.
  • Strengthen and further develop the foundation we have created during the current period for climate change mitigation and nature conservation.
  • Take care of volunteering, promote measures that prevent loneliness and provide safe neighbourhoods.
  • Continue the green border, and ensure that urban development is characterised by quality, green meeting places and build sustainable, safe solutions for the climate and biodiversity of the future.
  • Promote diversity and inclusion for a warm local community.
  • Ensure that Ullensaker has a healthy economy that can withstand future investments and challenges.

Local program 2023- 2027 – Ullensaker MDG

Candiates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 Eirik Sørsdal Ballestad 1965
2 Tove Kongsvik 1969
3 Frits Arne Eriksen 1961
4 Seyran Sharif Zadeh 1975
5 Moses Ngaah Nyuibengbeh 1968
6 Jeanette Viken Bjerke 1988
7 Volker Kluge 1965
8 Trine Rønning 1975
9 Daniel Sockol 1981
10 Tine Catharina Haug 1985
11 Erik Henri Jourdain 1945
12 Oddrun Espelund 1965

Kristelig Folkeparti (The Christian Democratic Party) logo partiet Krf

Presentation of the party

Mayoral candidate Lise Kragset Furuseth

We are strengthening our focus on dignified care for the elderly and old age.

Establishing a dementia village and good forms of housing where the elderly can live out their lives in safety and comfort.

We want a hospitable and inclusive municipality with regulated, free parking, staffed service centres, leisure cards for young and old, and both municipal and private welfare providers.

Natural areas will be preserved and we will create safe and good neighbourhood parks through various measures.

Ullensaker will have vibrant local communities with schools, kindergartens, sports, culture and shops in all urban centres.

Program (

Candiates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 Lise Kragset Furuseth 1973
2 Bjarte Vollebæk 1978
3 Silje Eide Borgersen 1994
4 Stig Jonny Hell 1970
5 Dagny Rise Laache 1964
6 Thomas Bjørtomt-Haug 1972
7 Hans Petter Langbakk 1965
8 Håvard Nygård 1976
9 Anne Kristin Eek 1958
10 Erik Øiesvold 1955
11 Anne Berit Laache Stokstad 1952
12 Inger Fjærestad Skjelmerud 1954
13 Kjell Morgan Hovden 1945
14 Edith Jørgine Jarsve 1944
15 Berit Bergfjord 1943
16 Ole Harald Laache 1959
17 Marit Tordis Furuseth 1948
18 Sylvia Ødegaard 1945
19 Sverre Kragset 1944
20 Inger Johanne Molnes 1942

SV (The Socialist Left Party)logo partiet Sosialistisk Venstreparti

Presentation of the party


Mayoral candidate Mahmod Ahmad

As a resident of this great municipality, I have also recognised the challenges we face. I have seen how inequalities are growing, and how families and individuals are not getting the help they need.

No one should be left behind and SV will therefore work in favour of:

  • A new secondary school in Jessheim
  • Closing Storgata to car traffic in the summer
  • Implement the adopted plans for health, schools and kindergartens
  • Children in low-income families must be offered free leisure and cultural activities in the municipality
  • Combat exclusion, both economically and socially
  • Housing for those who need it most, namely students, the disabled, people with little money and single parents
  • A safe and serious labour market

Local party program SV

Candiates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 Mahmod Ahmad 1979
2 Gro Irene Holt 1954
3 Peder G. Nordgarden Børtnes 2001
4 Martine Kamilla Hegerstrøm 1989
5 Eskild Abelseth 1990
6 Hege Lepsøe 1972
7 Ann-Kristin Johnsen Sandaa 1976
8 Hans Petter Hornæs 1955
9 Gro Trude Gjestrud 1955
10 Karoline Isabel Grøndalen 1987
11 Per Øistein Holt 1986
12 Johanne Østengen 1996
13 Katrine Grønneberg 1949
14 Helga Martine Skattebo 1980
15 Janne Moen Lyng 1972

Høyre (The Conservative Party) logo partiet Høyre

Presentation of the party

Mayoral candidate Børre Lien Hansen

Ullensaker should be a good place to live, regardless of age.

Schools should provide opportunities for all pupils. The content is the most important thing. We will therefore invest in teachers through continuing and further education.

Culture, sports and volunteering will be prioritised. We want good solutions for these, and sport must have more indoor and outdoor surfaces.

The elderly should have an active and sociable life, while we establish more care and dementia homes.

The Conservatives will say YES when it provides increased quality and well-being. We want local business development and a vibrant city centre.

We want good financial management, but at the same time we say no to property tax.

Candiates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 Børre Lien Hansen 1972
2 Lene Kathrine Håkonsen 1970
3 Willy Kvilten 1963
4 Ma'Ayan Camilla Murad 1968
5 Lars Vidvei 1963
6 Elizabeth Ledal 2000
7 Kim Ansethmoen Ødegaard 1986
8 Anne-Stine Roksvaag 1972
9 Hans Jørgen Borgen 1970
10 May Anne Brand 1948
11 Ole Morten Øversjøen 1970
12 Eva Camilla Mæhlum Løntjern 1971
13 Erik Leifssøn 1985
14 Lars Hilmar Smelror Dahl Berge 1972
15 Lars Christian Steen 1967
16 Kristian Hannestad 1975
17 Dag Gunnar Schøyen 1945
18 Stig Gunleiksrud 1969
19 Ole Anders Arntsen 1975
20 Guri-Anette Kjelgum 1983
21 Svein Lunde 1965
22 Åge Evjebråten 1965
23 Per Gabrielsen 1965
24 Jarle Hulleberg 1965
25 Alejandra Gafarelo Albrigtsen 1972
26 Hanne Sofie Borgen 1999
27 Kristian Fjellheim 1972
28 Herman Aleksander Albrigtsen 1969
29 Morten Stuart Grønning 1969
30 Thomas Nicolaisen 1974
31 Bård Henrik Undahl 1970
32 Alexander Bugge 1981
33 Gunnar Lien Mårdalen 1981
34 Rolf Johan Ledal 1966
35 Ola Karl Skylstad 1954
36 Nils Halaas 1942
37 Ole-Gunnar Andresen 1970
38 Hans Petter Lindstad 1963

Senterpartiet (The Centre Party)logo partiet Senterpartiet

Presentation of the party

1. kandidat Lars Halvor Stokstad Oserud

Ullensaker Centre Party wants controlled growth in the municipality. We will protect cultivated land and nature, and not build more than is necessary to provide good services in kindergarten, school, health, care and other important services. Technical infrastructure such as water, sewerage, stormwater and roads must also keep pace with development. We will ensure a continued solid municipal economy, in the best interests of residents, businesses and our descendants.

We have been involved in the governance of Ullensaker, and have had the deputy mayor, for four years, and during this period we have carried out a major positive turnaround. It is the citizens, through elections and democracy, who will govern the municipality.

Candiates in Ullensaker kommune

Candidate number, name, date of birth

1 Lars Halvor Stokstad Oserud 1986
2 Elisabeth Berg Hansen 1969
3 Martin Stanger 1991
4 Torunn E. Kvarme Aurstad 1979
5 Jorunn Bogstad 1991
6 Lasse P. Johansen-Richardsen 1996
7 Mona Nygård Fjeldvang 1989
8 Mari Sofie Hoel 2002
9 Anders Lund 1979
10 Tron Erik Hovind 1956
11 Per Erik Johan Sedin 1976
12 Ingrid Fjeldstad Luke 1987
13 Eline Stokstad Oserud 1989
14 Kari Kamstrup Hovind 1956
15 Kenneth Sandberg 1988
16 Johan Jørstad 1952
17 Harald Andreas Reierstad 1961
18 Sigrid Elise Ording Reierstad 1999
19 André Slemdal 1990
20 Even Kristian Mangerud 1985
21 Kristin Wogstad 1983
22 Geir Ljøgodt 1965
23 Brita Skallerud 1965
24 Eirik Solberg 1989
25 Ole Haugen 1952
26 Ove Elstad 1956
27 Håkon Tveit 2000
28 Ole-Andreas Kinnsbekken 1985
29 Anne Mette Nordby Thorvaldsen 1957
30 Ingar Elstad 1988
31 Nils-Edvin Wethal 1958
32 Gunn-Marit Synøve Sigvartsen 1942
33 Trygve Stanger 1962
34 Hans Petter Aurstad 1976
35 Torgeir Stensli 1950
36 Sigrun Sundby 1941
37 Sverre Magne Støverud 1937
38 Lars Andreas Grande 1942

Unsure who to vote for?

Online guide to the parties

Not sure what to vote for? As a municipality, we cannot tell you which party to vote for, but we want you to participate in the election so that your voice is heard. That's why an electoral online guide (Valgomat) can be a useful tool for finding out which parties share your views and vision for the municipality. We've added links from various polling stations below, some with questions specific to Ullensaker and others national.

NRK's Valgomat (Ullensaker)

RB's valgomat (Ullensaker)

TV 2's Valgomat (Nasjonal)

VG's valgomat (Ullensaker)

Dagbladet's Valgomat (Nasjonal)

Nettavisen's Valgomat (Nasjonal)

NRK local election guide

NRK's guide to the 2023 elections

More information

More information about the 2023 election in English

Information about the 2023 elections in Norwegian

Publisert: 05.09.2023 09:56:00
Sist endret: 13.06.2024 10:45